
What is the structure of a mutual fund?

What is the structure of a mutual fund?

We know what a mutual fund is and how to invest in it, but very few people know what the structure of a mutual fund is and how it works. We know that by investing in companies, we get shares. See you but what do we get when we invest in a mutual fund? 

Many people are confused about this, so in today's video we will know what is the structure of mutual fund, what does it actually mean to invest in it and how does it work, so you must watch this video so that you can You should know these important things about mutual funds which is the best investment education if you are interested in investing.

 What is the structure of a mutual fund?

 Want to learn investing, how is the structure of a mutual fund? Friends, the first thing is that a mutual fund is not a company in itself. Actually, mutual funds are the products of an asset management company. If we call it MC in short. It is said that there is a company which gets a license from SEBI to launch mutual funds. For example, HDFC AMC is one such company. 

Which operates different types of mutual funds under the name HDFC like equity funds, debt funds, hybrid funds and we can invest in any of these mutual funds. Today, a total of 44 asset management companies in India are registered with SEBI. Friends, now let us see what it means to invest in a mutual fund. We know that when we invest in a company, we get shares of the company, but when we invest in a mutual fund, we get a unit of the mutual fund and the value of one unit is called the net asset value of the mutual fund. This unit can also be understood as the price of one unit of the mutual fund. And we get profit in mutual funds only when the units of our bike increases and we seal those units on the increased navy. For example, let us assume

What is a Mutual Fund 

 We invested ₹ 1000 in XYZ Mutual Fund and at the time of investment there was a float of XYZ Mutual Fund, which means to buy one unit of XYZ Mutual Fund we have to pay ₹ 100, so we have to invest ₹ 1000. But we will get a total of 10 units of Expert Mutual Fund. Now if after 1 year the value of the Excise Mutual Fund becomes 110, then because we have 10 units of this mutual fund and the difference of each unit has increased by 10 points, we will get 10 points on our 10 units. * 10 = ₹ 100 profit will be made

Now friends, let us know what mutual fund units and NAV actually are. Friends, just as companies bring in IPS to collect money from the public, in the same way whenever an MC launches a new mutual fund, it collects investment from the public. NFL comes to do Info, which means new fund offer and just like we get shares of the company when we invest in IPO, similarly we get units of mutual fund when we invest in uniform, every unit at the time of Info. The net asset value is generally kept at 10. The public can apply for any number of units ranging from a minimum unit to a maximum and the minimum units are different for each mutual fund. After the information is complete, the fund managers of each mutual fund. All the collected money is invested and which we also call tender management and then the way the value of any invested funds increases or decreases. 

In this way our units are reduced or reduced. Friends, one thing to note is that as we know that we cannot buy and sell the shares of the company in fractions or parts, like we cannot buy 5.5 shares of any company. Or if we have a company for 10 years then we cannot sell 2.7 shares out of it but friends we can both buy and sell mutual fund units in the sector.

 If we have 100 units of a mutual fund whose net asset value is 25 and we want to withdraw Rs 570 from it, then we can seal units equal to Rs 570, which means that out of 100 units, we can sell 22.8 units. Friends, to calculate any body at any time after the information, this formula is used.

 Now is equal to Assets - Liabilities divided by Total Number of Units. Our invested ₹ 1000 will also be invested in these shares in 20 companies and then as the Net Asset Value of the mutual fund goes above or below 20, we will get this amount. There will be profit and loss, so friends, this was our today's video on the structure and working of mutual funds. In this video, we learned how the structure of a mutual fund is. 

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